Thursday, September 27, 2007

Why Independent Learning Is So Important

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley, Author

Hi there everyone! My name is Maurizio, I'm a self-learner since I exist.I am not a radical neither a protester, maybe I am substantially a nonconformist, and I prefer a "self-made" man.

Despite my formal education, I spent about 25 years of my life learning and experimenting always by me.

My experience can give you evidence the best long-term investment is to invest in your education and knowledge.

Nevertheless, why Independent Learning and Self-Learning are on my opinion so important?

Because they could help you to reach your goals much faster and in the same time they carry out your oneness!

I'm not talking about philosophy; I'm talking about career improvement and self-improvement.

Thomas Edison, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Abigail Adams, Benjamin Franklin, the Wright Brothers, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein, and Margaret Mead are only a few of those who have learned without school.

Independent Learners learn what they want to learn, when they want to learn, and in the way they want to learn.

Most learning has always been independent but not most formal education.

Now e-learning is emancipating learners who want formal education, on their own terms.