Friday, November 02, 2007

Build Your Own Lifeline

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi

If you want to improve yourself you need to understand who are you and what are your deeper aims.

To do this you have first to summarize the big events of your life.

I know it; it is very difficult and uneasy to put the face in our past.

Nevertheless, if you are able to do this, you will benefit from this experience and to define your objectives will become easier.

When I achieved my Master Degree (MBA) in Switzerland, I was 32 and I was coming out from one of my bigger emotional losses.

Exactly at this turning point of my life, I was able to know myself deep inside and to answer my big questions.

I took a piece of paper and I wrote in these three columns: Age/Phase, Big Events and Feelings.

Then, line by line, I wrote in on instinct all my precedent experiences from age of 18 until 32.

This was the main event of my life! I was light up!

Finally, all became clear in my mind: who I was, what was most important for me at that moment, which were my top priorities, and so on...

It is most frequent to achieve this task during our crisis and most critical phases, rather than during our normal life trends.

A Lifeline can be helpful to value ourselves now and to be more confident and aware in current and future transitions.

We cannot change the past. However, we have choices about how we let it influence and inspire our future.

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