Sunday, November 11, 2007

Is Your Job The Right One?

"Learn to think in positive affirmations. Affirmations are any statements you make. Too often we think in negative affirmations. Negative affirmations only create more of what you say you don't want. Saying, I hate my job, will get you nowhere. Declaring, I now accept a wonderful new job, will open the channels in your consciousness to create that."
Louise Hay

If you are passionate about your job and if it makes you happy, what I am going to say probably does not concerns you.

I would not to bother anyone, but I have always thought about the following fact:

if you feel eager or even frustrated and if you have troubles interacting with your colleagues and with your entourage, probably your current job is not the right one.

Have you ever considered that someone else could do your inconvenient and hated job cheerfully?

I mean that someone else maybe most adaptive and who has fewer ambitions is losing his opportunity while you are occupying this role.

I would not say that you are going wrong, only that you could improve your job anytime if you want.

Many in the workforce are experiencing a nagging, growing sense of being too driven, with little or no time for family, important relationships or other personal values.

Maybe what you need is a greater sense of fulfillment and spiritual growth in what you are doing.

Maybe you are looking for community and meaning in your job.

Then you are examining different choices and opportunities keeping in mind your education, your potential and aims and your past job experiences.

I am firmly convinced that every one of us has the right in the long-term to approach him to the ideal and ever dreamed occupation.

If you do the right job, you are more happy and other people too! It works better both for you and for others.

It is finally a win-win situation.

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