Thursday, December 14, 2006

How To Overcome That Sense Of Insecurity

“The opposite of security is insecurity, and the only way to overcome insecurity is to take risks.”

Theodore Forstmann

I experimented a feeling of insecurity many times in my early adolescence and especially during the college periods.

Do you know why? Because I had a very caricatured image of myself these days.

I did not really know myself so it was very difficult to build optimal relations with men and women.

The problem with my shyness taken a big part of my first 30 years cause I never feel ready to start successfully relationship both of sentimental and professional type
But there was an exact turning point in my life, exactly when I was forced to speech en public during my Master to present the breefing of my work group.

At this point I decided to play my role and to take my responsibilities until the end of the game.

Making the effort, I realized something good and unexpected was going to originate from my interior.

For the first time in my life I was able to change my caricatured image in a completely different image, an image of successful professional, an image of successful man, able to communicate well to the others and also I was finally well appreciated.

That was the first time I had to admit to myself that our potential is like a one hundred levels skyscraper of which we have decided to only live the first floor, while the 99 others are still not liveable!

Obviously this is a metaphor to say that many times we prefer not to take any risk and then to rest into our mediocrity.

It does not matter if the first time we feel clumsy and ungainly, this is normal, but more important thing is to put our effort on and to take some risks!

This simple act is an extraordinary gesture; it can really make the difference in our lives!

So take you risk and go! That sense of insecurity will vanish soon!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Time Is Not Always Related To Money

"Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things."

Jesse Jackson

Time is money. Right? Wrong!

Time is money only if you have opportunities, knowledge and correct thoughts, otherwise nothing cannot be done!

There are people that have a lot of time but they don't have money, for example the prisoners.

There are rich people with so much leisure time to their disposition, but don't know what to do! They annoy!

There are then very worn-out people, who never have time for anybody neither for them, same, and unbelievable but true, they don't have enough money or they would like more always of it.

Why there are so many differences in the way according to which the live have people, do you have ever thought about this?

It is evident that time = money is not a correct equation, if not in very approximate way.

What does it miss? The thoughts. The way according to which we use our mind is fundamental.

Thousand times I proved this to myself, at first hand!

That's why I insist so much on the thoughts. Without the mastery of the own thoughts there is no real personal growth, even if you read all the books of the world.

If you want to improve yourself not only you need more knowledge to acquire, but also you will have above all to integrate it with your thoughts and your beliefs, before putting new knowledge in practice!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

How To Face Toward Your Fears

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do."

Pope John XXIII

If you knew to be able to face any situation, would you have something to fear?

Obviously no.

The fear is the technique used by the nature to prepare to defend you to you from the danger.

You dread when you anticipate a loss or a pain.

You are afraid of what you believe must be fears.

But if you have trust in your ability to face every situation, here that automatically you minimize the fear.

Your safety not comes from what you have, but from knowing to be able to face any eventualities.

You can begin to minimize your fears facing them.

Once established of which you are afraid, therefore you act in the best way to eliminate the threats that your fears provoke.

To act on the fear is much better than living feeling oneself incapable and impotent.
The main four fears that sabotage your ability to use the optimal thought are: the fear of the failure, of the refusal, of the success and of the pain.

Remember: to act and to face toward your fears is the only way to dissipate them.

Monday, December 11, 2006

How A Positive Thinker Looks On Negative Factors

“People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong...Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Cars are furnished of "negative indicators" sets really in front of the driver to tell him when the battery doesn't load, when the motor is heating too much, when the pressure of the oil is too much low, and so on.

To ignore these negative indicators can ruin your auto, nevertheless there is no necessity to excessively be stunned if someone of these negative signals ignites: you don't have to do anything else other than to stop you at a station of service or at a garage, and to set remedy to the drawbacks.

A negative signal doesn't mean but the car it is not good; all the autos heat too much sometimes.

This despite the driver of the car doesn't continually owe and exclusively to be careful to the dashboard: this could be disastrous.

He/she has to stop his/her attention on the windscreen, he/she has to look where he/she is going and above all has to watch out for his/her destination, to where he/she wants to go.

He/she simply has to give every now and then a look to the negative indicators and when him ago, no it has to settle neither to delay on them.

He/she quickly has to look again in front of itself and to focus himself/herself on his/her positive purpose and that is on the where he/she wants to go.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Auto-observation a precious tool

"It is the theory that decides what can be observed."

Albert Einstein

The only ways through which someone can help you it is call into question your ideas.

If you are ready to listen and if you are ready to be called into question, something you can do, but nobody can help you.

Which are the most important things in absolute? It is auto-observation.

Nobody can give you a hand, in this. Nobody can furnish you a method. Nobody can show you a technique.

In the moment in which a technique is learned, you again become programmed.

But the auto-observation - that is to look at him same - it is important.

It doesn't mean to be absorbed in his/her own thoughts to be worry of oneself.

It is not of this that I am talking about: I am talking about the auto-observation. But what is it really?

It means to observe all of this that is inside us and around us, up to the most extreme point, and to observe as if it happened to somebody else.

In other words this means that is not personalized that that it happens us, it means to look at the things as if some bond was not had with them.

In this way you will have reached a great ability of "separation" from your anxieties and from your worries and this give you the power not to identify you with them.

Friday, December 08, 2006

The Importance Of To Be Proud Of Your Work

From "The Prophet" [Kahlil Gibran]:

"Then a ploughman said, Speak to us of Work. And he answered, saying: You work that you may keep pace with the earth and the soul of the earth.
For to be idle is to become a stranger unto the seasons, and to step out of life's procession that marches in majesty and proud submission towards the infinite...
Always you have been told that work is a curse and labour a misfortune.
But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of earth's furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born,
And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life,
And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's inmost secret."

Dear friend, I have to confess you that these wonderful words of one of the most respected poets and philosophers of last century, Kahlil Gibran, they have always impressed my mind.

I would only to point out the importance to be proud of our work, whenever intellectual or manual.

If you do your job every day with a great sense of responsibility and passion and if you really love it then you will receive soon or later a great deal in return, I assure you!

But, if you do not like your job, if you are not comfortable with it, then I strongly suggest you to change it as soon as possible.

It is well worth the trouble, why? Because work is what makes you feel good with the rest of the universe!

Too often we think that a job is a job, and does not matter what job we do, because the only raison is to make a living, to survive.

I disagree with this way of seeing, because I think there is always something deeper inside all things and especially in what we do every day.

It does not matter if you are a factory worker or if you are the president of the United States: you are both human beings and the humans need to feel joined themselves to the earth since time immemorial.

Technology and Science development and these so stressful modern rhythms to which we all are devoted nowadays they should not make ourselves unaware of our origin.

So be proud of your work! It will make you a better person in the long run!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Power Of Imagination

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”

Jamie Paolinetti

I have always believed in the hidden powers of our mind, long before reading and study on the books the things that were already inside of me.

I have observed for a long time the behaviour of a lot of people, included my father who was an authoritarian and paternalistic person.

Many of us don't realize but the thoughts crossing our mind every day they are to a large extent the fruit of our attitudes and the deepest convictions that we have brought within us for a long time.

It is unbelievable as in the societies of the richest countries and industrialized of this planet a so perfect and punctual control is made on the mechanisms that produce money and material wealth, but the most part of us are never thought about the power of our thoughts.

What I have known is always that one of the greatest powers that every human being has to his/her disposition is just the imagination.

Imagination is what we project to the outside, in the real world, beginning from our subconscious.

But attention! A positive imagination and a negative it exists, or better, a destructive and a constructive one.

The imagination, on my opinion, is autosuggestion.

In the most negative people and more absolutists that I ever known this power was always employed in a destructive way and do you know how?

Not admitting that there could be other interpretations of the facts and the reality.

The negative people are only victims of their imagination, which is used against themselves, instead that to them favour.

The psycho-cybernetics of Dr. Maxwell Maltz and the positive thinking of Dr. J. Murphy, is absolutely right!

In my infancy I have always been conditioned to think of a destructive way.

My greater problem was the insecurity and shyness.

I was afraid of the others, above all not to feel at the same level with the others and especially with the individuals of female sex.

During my life I have not only learned to report me with the women, but I have learned to speak in public and to become even an advisor and a business educator!

Do you know how I have succeeded in doing that? With the imagination! Right!

Our mind needs to imagine a situation of success before being able to experiment it, there is not simply other way!

From the moment that it is very more comfort to let us condition from the negative thoughts that limit us, why then not to make a small effort and try to replace the negative suggestions with positive ones?

It is necessary to firmly believe to be able to do it, if you don't believe you have already surrendered and therefore you have not given yourself other possibilities; in other words you are what you have decided, not surely anybody else or the bad fate!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Why To Not Be In A Hurry Is An Advantage

"Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him."

Lord Chesterfield

Here are the most common errors who make which is in a hurry:

- To have too little respect of his/her own time and too much of other people's time.

- To think about having to always compete with everybody and anywhere

- To be terrorized to owe him to stop and have to "to think"

- To misunderstand the phrase "time is money"

- To always worry himself/herself about to have "to impress" the others

- To think only of quantitative terms

- Not to have a clear vision of his/her own life and his/her own role

- To do things in a hurry is comfortable because it represents an alibi

- To be in hurry is cool and trendy and it makes you feel an important person

Here instead because not to be in a hurry according to me represents an advantage:

- If you are not in a hurry, you have very more time to think and to reflect

- Do not be afraid to think and to reflect, it won't happen you nothing!

- If you have the time to think and to reflect is much more difficult that you could be manipulated by the others

- If you are not in a hurry you have the time to think outside the box

- If you are not in a hurry it is likely you know how to give the right value to your time and overall to the others one

- If you are not in a hurry it means that you think before acting and therefore you know what you do

- If you are not in a hurry you have more time to be devoted to yourself and your personal improvement

- If you are not in a hurry you are the owner of your life and you perfectly know your objectives

- If you are not in a hurry you have understood that you know to be worth and above all you don't need to show it to anybody else!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Toward The Gross National Wellness

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if
this is all there is.”

Mary Anne Radmacher

In every human activity it is necessary by now to knowingly insert this new dimension through the study of the behaviour and the conditions that regulate it.

In this way it becomes possible to foresee more efficiently what consequences a decision may have in terms of tonnage, of size, of capacity, and also in terms of human behaviours.

And it becomes so possible to aim to what certain economists nebulously define still the GNW (the Gross National Wellness), in substitution of the GNP (Gross National Product).

Taking as point of aim the auto-affirmation you may realize in fact that there are many ways to realize certain basic demands of every man.

Moreover we also can realize that they can also be realized with techniques that involve the use of less wealth and less raw materials.

The main point is to establish a good psychological prizes-punishments-system.
If one succeeds in getting a mechanism that works it is possible to get the tallest index of happiness, also with some mended pantaloons or with some old compact cars, without provoking deprivations.

With this strategy it is possible to effectively direct toward new values the human, both individual and collective behaviours.

On the other hand citizens they owe to realize that they are very often spiced through conditionings that does not correspond to their true interest.

Only the knowledge of the technologies of the behaviour allows them to discover the trick, and to prevent that the great principles of liberty, justice, equality, brotherhood is used by some alone as traps to catch the simpletons.

If the objective of a true democracy is that to give to every individual the dignity, the happiness, the parity with the others, the ability to understand the world in which alive, to participate in the decisions that concern it, and to express its difference, then it is necessary to study and to predispose not only the material context, but also the mental one, in which to achieve.