Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Why To Not Be In A Hurry Is An Advantage

"Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him."

Lord Chesterfield

Here are the most common errors who make which is in a hurry:

- To have too little respect of his/her own time and too much of other people's time.

- To think about having to always compete with everybody and anywhere

- To be terrorized to owe him to stop and have to "to think"

- To misunderstand the phrase "time is money"

- To always worry himself/herself about to have "to impress" the others

- To think only of quantitative terms

- Not to have a clear vision of his/her own life and his/her own role

- To do things in a hurry is comfortable because it represents an alibi

- To be in hurry is cool and trendy and it makes you feel an important person

Here instead because not to be in a hurry according to me represents an advantage:

- If you are not in a hurry, you have very more time to think and to reflect

- Do not be afraid to think and to reflect, it won't happen you nothing!

- If you have the time to think and to reflect is much more difficult that you could be manipulated by the others

- If you are not in a hurry you have the time to think outside the box

- If you are not in a hurry it is likely you know how to give the right value to your time and overall to the others one

- If you are not in a hurry it means that you think before acting and therefore you know what you do

- If you are not in a hurry you have more time to be devoted to yourself and your personal improvement

- If you are not in a hurry you are the owner of your life and you perfectly know your objectives

- If you are not in a hurry you have understood that you know to be worth and above all you don't need to show it to anybody else!

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