Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Power Of Imagination

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”

Jamie Paolinetti

I have always believed in the hidden powers of our mind, long before reading and study on the books the things that were already inside of me.

I have observed for a long time the behaviour of a lot of people, included my father who was an authoritarian and paternalistic person.

Many of us don't realize but the thoughts crossing our mind every day they are to a large extent the fruit of our attitudes and the deepest convictions that we have brought within us for a long time.

It is unbelievable as in the societies of the richest countries and industrialized of this planet a so perfect and punctual control is made on the mechanisms that produce money and material wealth, but the most part of us are never thought about the power of our thoughts.

What I have known is always that one of the greatest powers that every human being has to his/her disposition is just the imagination.

Imagination is what we project to the outside, in the real world, beginning from our subconscious.

But attention! A positive imagination and a negative it exists, or better, a destructive and a constructive one.

The imagination, on my opinion, is autosuggestion.

In the most negative people and more absolutists that I ever known this power was always employed in a destructive way and do you know how?

Not admitting that there could be other interpretations of the facts and the reality.

The negative people are only victims of their imagination, which is used against themselves, instead that to them favour.

The psycho-cybernetics of Dr. Maxwell Maltz and the positive thinking of Dr. J. Murphy, is absolutely right!

In my infancy I have always been conditioned to think of a destructive way.

My greater problem was the insecurity and shyness.

I was afraid of the others, above all not to feel at the same level with the others and especially with the individuals of female sex.

During my life I have not only learned to report me with the women, but I have learned to speak in public and to become even an advisor and a business educator!

Do you know how I have succeeded in doing that? With the imagination! Right!

Our mind needs to imagine a situation of success before being able to experiment it, there is not simply other way!

From the moment that it is very more comfort to let us condition from the negative thoughts that limit us, why then not to make a small effort and try to replace the negative suggestions with positive ones?

It is necessary to firmly believe to be able to do it, if you don't believe you have already surrendered and therefore you have not given yourself other possibilities; in other words you are what you have decided, not surely anybody else or the bad fate!

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