Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Discover Your Life Mission

"Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone
must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfilment. Therein
he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's
task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it."

Dr. Viktor E(mil) Frankl

Your debts, the family liability and all the others problems will be
repaired only if you allow yourselves to have a purpose in the life.

If you have always been a responsible person, if you have always paid,
if you have been conscientious, it won't be necessary to suddenly
abandon these values to become some hermits and to go to live in a
cavern in the middle of the wood.

You can choose to have satisfied and responsible; facing all of this
that you have chosen, provided that you have the wish to eradicate the
fear of the changes, the fear to be wrong, because these two things
represent the most greater obstacles to become a free person.

If you use excuses and various arguments to defend your actual
situation, provoked by the decisions you took in precedence, you will
surely end to realize a system of life full of obligations and deprived
of internal peace.

On my opinion, instead, there is anything more important than the
feeling to have your own mission and a proper life purpose.

If you want a healthy and lively life, you cannot disregard this

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