Saturday, September 30, 2006

Beyond The Bounds Of Knowledge Definition

"There never was in the world two opinions alike, no more that two hairs, or two grains; the most universal quality is diversity."

Michael Eyquen de Montaigne

It is very difficult to define what the term 'knowledge' means.

I noticed that in most fields of human activities including job, society and education, there is an excessive utilization of definitions.

Especially on the Internet, I find there are too much definitions.

Okay, we need definitions to understand the meaning of a multiplicity of terms, concepts and items, but what is the side effect?

Fragmentation. I try to explain better this. Western cultures are literally obsessed by the need to explain everythings to everybody.

Too much information, too much words, too much opinions.

But everyone of us is unique in this world, that is why there are billions of interpretations of every fact.

Two years ago I felt overhelmed by information one more time.

That was not certainly the first time in my life that I felt overhelmed by too much information.

Several times in my life I scattered to the four winds my energy and my cognizances, I always had problems with concentration.

What I learned the hard way 2 years ago is to filter and integrate information at the same time.

I think people do not need more information, they need less fragmentation and more relevance.

I intend relevance the need to put things in everyone's specifical context and also the need of coherence.

On my way that is the difference between information and knowledge.

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