Sunday, November 05, 2006

Accept Change As a Way Of Life

"The greatest revolution in our generation is that of human beings, who by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."

Marilyn Ferguson

A lot of people fear the changes.

They remain in the same place not because they would not know how to be in a new environment, but because they are afraid really of the change.

Nevertheless you can be certain of a thing: neither us neither the others, remain the same.

The change is the true essence of the life.

If we didn't change, we will stay exactly those that we are.

There would be no growth, neither life, neither death, nothing, if the change didn't constitute the base of our humanity.

What you like or not, the change represents a big part of you.

If you want to possess the fleeing sense of purpose, you will have to learn to cohabit with the whole concept of change, to consider it a friend and not to fear it.

To learn to be happy about a change can represent a big footstep in your life and naturally also in your process of continuous self-improvement.

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