Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Subtle Art Of Disobedience

"Disobedience to be civil implies discipline, thought, care, attention."

Mahatmah Gandhi.

Bureaucracy is perceived by a self-learner as a malfunction of our social life.

A self-learner therefore simply ignores it thanks to his/her own creativeness and intelligence.

Mahatmah Gandhi (which I respect absolutely) he spoke of civil disobedience, today this would not probably be enough.

Why I am talking about bureaucracy? Because it is the worse and more deceitful thievish-of-time that I have ever known.

There are many ways of fight the bureaucracy, but I know one of them infallible: to ignore it.

How? Studying and improving yourself, for example.

Do they steal your time?

You can make then to become more productive, that is to sell you to the best, to increase your self-esteem, to assemble you on what knows how to do better and never stopping thinking to as to improve your personal productivity.

In this way no conflict is created between you and the bureaucracy.

Simply it won't have some power anymore on you!

Bureaucracy increases its own power when it meets city timorous, a little educated, anxious and full of worries.

If feel yourself so, for you there is no salvation!

Bureaucracy is an infernal machine that has been invented from individuals that they don't believe in the abilities of the individual and that they are afraid of everything and everybody.

The bureaucrats are servants one protective caress of theirs, a comfortable cotton wool, and they camp every excuse to work the less possible and way of living behind the citizens that work and they risk for indeed and that they contribute national product.

Yet in all the industrialized nations a bureaucracy exists, in some countries it is stronger and instead the citizen is weaker.

If you go to see in what countries this happens you will realize you that the phenomenon almost always has cultural origins.

In a few words, every culture has the bureaucracy that deserves him.

A self-learner doesn't need to deal himself/herself with the bureaucracy because very simply for him it doesn't exist.

A self-learner can civilly disobey to the bureaucracy, without for this to infringe some law.

How? Informing himself/herself on his/her own rights and to make to be worth them, always and in every occasion.

Enrolling himself/herself in an association for the defence of the consumer rights, participating in public debates, and so on.

But the secret weapon stays your intelligence, remember: the more you are informed and productive, the less will be the power of the bureaucracy on you!

Never accept passively the abuses of the bureaucracy it is a moral duty of every honest citizen, exactly as to pay the taxes and to respect the laws.

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