Monday, November 27, 2006

Social Conditioning And Self-Improvement Need

"Basically the school system sets you up with what it wants to set you up with. They're really good at it. I think they're too good. Problem is, what they're doing is conditioning kids to merely accept the culture at hand. But the rebels won't accept it."

Jack Bowman

We all know how much is difficult - in the career and in the life - to find a perfect equilibrium among oneself legitimate aspirations toward self-improvement and outside consent and the social acceptance.

Dear friend, if you have gotten used to think as a yes-man, my words they won't serve a lot to you.

But if you believe instead that to have personal aspirations and above all that it is your birthright to find the time to develop your potential, then I have a lot to tell you.

Personally I have never given any importance to the votes during the school, nor to the degrees, nor to the hierarchies, nor to the medals and the various systems prize-punishment what that are so nested in our society.

Some like those of the authoritarian systems are very evident, others, very more deceitful and subtle, they hide them in the publicity and in the need of social approval.

If you think about the career as to a succession of steps to conquer and where the level of prestige and consent of every step is default and measurable, then you won't have a lot of space for an authentic self-improvement.

If we measure our success in our career and in our life in base to what others have established, we can never know what really means personal growth is.

Personal growth is not a medal, neither a social position, neither a reward in money.

Personal growth is a continuous trial, it doesn't have any destination or particular objective, if not that to live more happily the possible and in peace with him same.

As they sustain the gurus of the positive thought, money is a form of energy that naturally achieves and without effort to whom feels illuminated and inspired in all of this that ago.

I understand that this will seem you difficult to accept, but I am able to confirm that this is true because I have experimented it many times at first hand.

To overcome the social conditioning and to try to be the more possible independent from the various systems prize-punishment, to think with your head, to accept the fact that cannot be nice to all those that you meet, is everybody signals that go to the correct direction.

The correct direction is what makes you feel well, in peace with your conscience, and that give you in every moment of your day the precise awareness that you are doing of your best.

The greatest prize is the conquest of your personal independence and the ability to approve yourself without any outward confirmation.

This objective is not incompatible with the family or with the society.

Contrarily, self-realized people are very often really those that have more success both in the job and in the affective relationships.

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