Friday, November 03, 2006

Know The Leader Inside Yourself

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things."

Peter F. Drucker

Know The Leader Inside Yourself

Let's not limit us to manage, we optimise.

Do you appreciate the others for what they are and do you help them to draw the best from themselves?

The true leader understands the demands, the desires and the limits of his/her collaborators; he/she discovers their values, their convictions and the causes to which they vote;

The true leader helps them to understand what they want and sustains them to undertake the best walk to reach their objectives.

The true leader encourages them to exploit their qualities and he/she is firmly convinced that there is no better occupation than to stimulate a really similar to give the best of itself.

The leaders most involved illustrate histories that stimulate the maximum performances.

When their men know the defeat, they remember them the successes gotten in precedence.

They speak of the struggles, of the conflicts, of the perseverance and of the triumphs of the others.

The optimal leaders don't need to manipulate the other ones trying to convince them to do what it is not in their interest. They push them to act only in their interest.

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