Monday, November 13, 2006

How-To Avoid The Comparison Trap

“All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.”

Swami Vivekananda

The first step not to fall in the trap of the comparison is to convince you that a second equal person to you doesn't exist all over the world.

Nobody resembles to you as it regards your feelings, your aspirations and your most secret thoughts.

If you will understand deeply this concept, you will feel the need to ask you for which reason you should inspire you to other people's example to act or not to act.

Our culture is composed from people that forget to be individuals and too very often they feel threatened by whoever is different from them.

In our scholastic classrooms they employ the curves of gauss to decide who is integrated and who is maladjusted.

To measure all the individual characters and to establish so the sacred average they use standardized tools.

Yet, despite all the pressures practiced above of you and despite the continuous solicitations to be "as all the others", you could become never it, even if you applied you with appointment in the attempt.

For how much endeavours you, you will perceive, will think and will always feel your own way, that is a personal way and without comparison.

If you will understand that the motivations on which lean the comparisons of the others, between you and Mr. X, as terms of comparison, they entirely have the tendency to hold under control your behaviour to the purpose to dominate you, you will be already on the good road to escape to this stupid type of arrogance.

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