Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cultivate Faith and Courage Inside Yourself.

"It takes vision and courage to create, it takes faith and courage
to prove."

Owen D. Young

Faith and courage are developing exactly in the same way, but the purposes are different.

If you have to employ your time worrying you, why not worrying you constructively?

Begin to establish and to define the more possible and suitable results.

Begin with this statement: "we suppose that"; we suppose that the best result will be verified.

You remember then to yourselves that this "may happen", not that it "will happen", it would be too soon, but only that it may happen.

After all remember you that such a positive result it is possible.

You can accept and to mentally assimilate these gradual doses of optimism and trust, and after having thought about the desired final result as a defined possibility, you start to imagine how it can be.

You delay on these mental images, you establish the details and complete you them.

Above all it is important to focus yourself on the state of mind, on the emotions that you feel when you evoke these mental images in your mind.

When these images will be detailed more and more, when they will be repeated in continuation you will see once more that they will start to be revealed the suitable feelings as if the favourable result had already been reached.

This time there will be feelings of faith, trust in him same, courage, all reunited ones in a complex: "that feeling of success."

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