Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Self-Esteem and Learning Method

“You know more than you think you do.”

Benjamin Spock

Self-confidence serves you to believe that you can make a certain thing.

Self-esteem serves you to understand that however things will end up it is not your value as human being to be at stake

What does the self-esteem belong to learning methods?

A method is a succession of actions, techniques, approaches and relationships.

All these things have in common a thing: they are tightly personal.

Nobody can transfer you a method that was all right for him, but it is not proper for you.

You have to find your method and the only way to do this it is to know yourself and the way according to which you report yourself with the rest of the world.

There is for example who learns better listening, who reading, who writing.

There is who learns soon better the morning, who in the afternoon, who to late night.

There is who learn better alone, who learn in a more collaborative way.

There is who learns only in the worse moments of his/her own life, when he/she is called to face the most terrible difficulties.

Others have a particular attitude instead to learn in every moment: these are the more fortunate because for them to learn is always a game and the most natural way of to satisfy their eternal curiosity.

Nothing can be learned if it is not in relationship with someone or with something: and to do this is necessary to have self-esteem.

If don't have respect of yourself, you are lost, you don't understand because you owe to learn something, it doesn't interest yourself in any way to learn nothing.

Besides you are not able to effectively manage the relationships and therefore you will find hard to follow whatever method.

Naturally this is my opinion; therefore I am the only responsible of what I affirm.

I don't believe that people learn only when they are forced, both from theirs errors, from a coercive educational system or from an educational system poorly sensitive to the needs and to the specificities of the single individual.

I believe that learning is a natural need of anyone of us through his/her life.

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